Monday, January 17, 2011

Scream 4

Scream was probably the first movie I remember losing my shit to. When Drew Barrymore dies in the first scene I knew that anything could happen. Scream 4 has just released their latest trailer and I have to say it is much better than the teaser that had been released originally.

Check it out for yourself...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cameron James lives is live!!!!!

After 10 days of long hours and sleepless nights the final (well almost final) version of my short film has arrived.

Check it out on optus 180 and leave a comment.


Also don't forget to join the facebook page.

When is it ok for a man to wear tights?

Pictures of Andrew Garfield of the Social Network fame wearing rad and blue tights have surfaced. Lots of dudes are excited about this. I guess I am one of them.

I don't know he just looks like Peter Parker no ?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cameron James Lives

I admit it! I haven't been the best blogger lately. There is good reason for this I promise. I have been attempting to make a short film for the Optus 180 Project. Most short films takes weeks of planning, writing, rehearsing etc, being a complete idiot I decided to do this in one week. Did it turn out alright? The verdict is still pending.

It may not be Oscar winning but the film will be something I am proud of.

Check out some pics below...

The short film/trailer is coming soon..

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year! (Belated)

Hope you guys had a great New Year!

I will be sharing my predicitions for 2011 and my favourite films of 2010 that you may have missed.

In the meantime amuse youself by looking at my picture of Snookie in a hamster ball.